This blog post is based on a webinar by Simon Holding, Adult Care Lead at Team Teach. Watch the recording of the webinar here. Triggers are virtually impossible to avoid and, at some point, we all have a strong reaction to certain environments, situations, people and words. But what exactly is a trigger? In a […]
Read MoreThis blog post is based on a webinar by Mica Coleman Jones, a Principal Team Teach trainer. Watch the recording of the webinar here. Calm room, quiet space, reflection area, emotional wellbeing zone – whatever you choose to call them in your setting, the purpose of these environments is the same: to provide access to […]
Read More“It’s not you, it’s me…” How often have we heard this expression in everyday life? When we witness behaviour in our settings, when an individual is emotionally overwhelmed or heading towards crisis, there is a tendency to look at that behaviour in isolation. We try to decipher the emotions and feelings behind the communication and, […]
Read MoreA blog by Jonathan Newport, Team Teach Global Managing Director. Human behaviour – all human behaviour – is complex and can best be understood as the vehicle through which we communicate our emotions and feelings. All our actions, words and habits offer a window into what’s going on inside, which is why it’s so important […]
Read MoreTeam Teach would like to congratulate and praise all staff, working in all services, where faced with difficult, disturbing and sometimes dangerous behaviours, put the best interests of the child/young person/adult first and foremost about the actions they take. That they do so, with courage and conviction, knowing that all actions carry an element of […]
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